Do you live in Georgia? Do you have a condition that has lasted for a significant length of time and caused you to be unable to work as you normally would? If so, you may wonder whether or not you qualify for disability benefits and, if so, how to file for those benefits. Let’s take a closer look at the law together.
What Types of Benefits Are Available?
The Social Security Administration offers two types of disability benefits, which may be available depending on the circumstances of the particular applicant. These include:
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Benefits: SSDI benefits are disability benefits that the Social Security Administration provides to individuals with a qualifying medical disability that has caused them to be unable to work for at least one continuous calendar year or more. In addition, the applicant must be “insured.” This means that they worked for a sufficient length of time at a job through which they regularly paid part of their salary into the Social Security system.
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits: As with SSDI benefits, to receive SSI benefits, an individual needs to have a qualifying medical disability that has caused them to be unable to work for at least one continuous calendar year or more. Unlike SSDI benefits, however, SSI benefits do not depend upon work history. Instead, an individual must have income and resources below a certain limit established annually by the Social Security Administration.
Depending upon your particular situation, you may qualify for one or both types of benefits. Consulting with an attorney regarding your eligibility and which type of benefit you should pursue is always advised.
What Are the Steps of the Application Process?
Like any legal matter, pursuing disability benefits involves a variety of steps. Generally, these steps include:
- Consulting an attorney: This is the first and most important step of the process. The law can be complicated, and you don’t want to overlook any steps you’ll need to take to protect your rights. Doing so could be costly and might cause you to fail to receive the benefits that you need and deserve.
- Gathering evidence: In order to establish that you have a qualifying medical condition, you will need to gather evidence from your treating medical providers. This evidence will need to establish the symptoms of your particular condition, as well as the length of its existence and its disabling effects. You may also need to gather employment records, documentation of your financial circumstances, and any other evidence your attorney suggests.
- Obtaining and completing an application: There are multiple ways to obtain and complete an application. The first is online, through the SSA website, at In addition, you can obtain an application and talk through the process with a Social Security representative by calling (800)772-1213. A third option is to visit your local Social Security field office. In Georgia, there are also field offices where applications can be submitted in person.
- Awaiting a decision: Although Social Security is a federal program, applications are often reviewed by state agencies, where an initial decision is rendered. In Georgia, this agency is known as Disability Adjudication Services. DAS will review the evidence presented with the application and provide the applicant with its determination.
- Filing a request for reconsideration: Your first attempt at pursuing disability benefits may be denied. If this happens, you should know it is fairly common, and you shouldn’t panic. Instead, you should discuss the possibility of filing a request for reconsideration with your attorney. He or she will be able to provide advice and guidance regarding the steps necessary for pursuing an appeal.
Although the preceding steps are intended to be a helpful guide to the general process of applying for disability benefits, the truth is that they are no substitute for advice from a knowledgeable and experienced attorney. A knowledgeable attorney can give you personalized advice and see that you’re doing all you can to fully pursue and protect your rights under the law. At Muse Disability, we’re here for you.
Call Muse Disability Today
If you live in Georgia and you believe that you have a condition that may qualify for disability benefits, you shouldn’t wait any longer to begin the process of consulting an attorney and considering whether or not to pursue a claim. Understandably, these benefits can make a significant difference in relieving financial stress for those who are unable to work and earn an income as they otherwise normally would. At Muse Disability, we’re here to help. We understand every aspect of the law pertaining to disability benefits, and we’ll always pursue the best legal strategies on your behalf. If you’re ready to get started, give us a call today. We look forward to speaking with you soon.